Sunday, 20 March 2011


A new hairdresser and wow, what a great job she did. My legs look beautifull, all fluffy and white

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Oh noooooo........ not a haircut

Oh my goodness I think I just heard the words dog groomer. I'll have to tell her to go easy with scissors this time.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Saturday night and we had visitors

Oh what a Saturday night.........
Roast beef in the oven (that mean treats for me!).
And here are the visitors, my owners parents. Now what do they have in that bag, flowers, wine, chocolate (not very interesting), oh wait a minute what that, a ball with paw prints on. Yes its for me!

Snowing again......

Those white flakes are falling from the sky again, I'll have to go and sort my beard I look like I have a bad case of dandruff... 
I hope it doesn't get as deep as it did last time as I've ony got short legs and I don't like it when I can't get out for walk, take in all those outdoor smells and see the other dogs on the block.