Thursday, 14 April 2011


Thats me almost at the end of my holiday and what a great time I've had, me and my best friend Bracken...

Relaxing in the garden..

in the house..

Me and my best friend.............


  1. Hello Misty! Pleased to be your first followers - Dexter & Louis, 2 naughty Mini's x

  2. Hi Misty Mo,

    We found you from Dexter and Louis. We love miniature schnauzer friends and we'll be back to visit you and see what you are up too!

  3. Hello there Misty Mo,

    I just found your blog - and it is exciting to find another mini schnauzer on the interwebs!! I'm following now too! I'm an Australian doggie with mini schnauzer cousins.

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
